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Adventure Archives | Page 3 of 5 | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Category: Adventure

Jun 05, 2014

Riding a Royal Enfield in the Shadow of Giants

While traveling home from Sri Lanka, filmmaker Andrew David Watson decided to check out Ladakh, an isolated mountain region in the most northern tip of India. Even though it was the end of winter there, he was able to rent a 350cc Royal...

May 29, 2014

MotoDiscovery » Turkey Fantasy Tour

Covering over 3050 kilometres in 13 days, the Turkey Fantasy Tour is one that is intensely flavored with biblical history and ancient archeology. Few destinations in the MotoDiscovery lineup resonate with so much romance, culture, history,...

May 28, 2014

Finding Main Street

A film about three young men traveling across America by motorcycle, exploring their country as well as themselves. It's pretty long at over 40 minutes. So grab a cuppa. See and hear the whole story at Finding Main Street. Made by...

Jan 11, 2014

Ural Gaucho Rambler Limited Edition » Nothing to do but go

With nothing more than their horse, a knife and a poncho, the cowboys of the Americas rambled through the country, living off the land, taking each day as it came, and always on a journey towards the sunset. The rebel spirit of the cowboy...

Nov 18, 2013

Bolivia’s Road of Death to Coroico

This is an intro to the joy and adventure of riding motorcycles from La Paz, Bolivia up and over the Andes to the semi-tropical Yungas region on the world's most dangerous Road, aka the Road of Death to Coroico. If you have ever...

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