Category: Art

Apr 03, 2013

Badass Helmet » CFH

Weirdly cool headgear from CFH. Neat photography by Sam Christmas.

Mar 27, 2013

Sign Painters » Official Trailer

There was a time, as recently as the 1980s, when storefronts, murals, banners, barn signs, billboards, and even street signs were all hand-lettered with brush and paint. But, like many skilled trades, the sign industry has been overrun...

Mar 21, 2013

Tellason Stories: Meet Todd

The guys set out to explore the spirit and sensibilities of the Tellason user and to share their unique stories. For their first film in the series, they're featuring Todd Blubaugh, a brilliant photographer, artist, graphic designer...

Mar 01, 2013

Bike Art » Adam Nickel

Awesome bike art by Adam Nickel. Adam Nickel has a love of everything old, especially if it has wheels on it. This tends to come through in a lot of his illustration work. He lives in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.

Feb 26, 2013

2much » Custom-painted fuel tank

Considering this is Patrik Bundeli's first custom work on a motorcycle, it's awesome. Apparently, a guy called JP didn't like the eggshell yellow on his bike's fuel tank, so he goes to Patrik and asks if he could paint something on it,...

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