Category: Harley Davidson

May 30, 2015

Ivory Comet » JSK Custom Design

We have seen countless builds based on Harley-Davidson's ubiquitous Sportster, some of which are, obviously, more distinctive than the others. Take this project by LA-based JSK Custom Design for instance; dubbed Ivory Comet, the motorcycle...

May 10, 2015

Harley-Davidson Softail Evo » Studio Motor

When customer Panji Aryo stepped inside Studio Motor for the second time, it was to alter the look of his existing Harley-Davidson Softail Evo. First step, all the superfluous body parts were removed, followed by a bigger rear fender and...

Apr 28, 2015

Cafe Racer 57 » Matt Black Custom Designs

Based in Malaga, Spain, Matt Black Custom Designs is a relatively new entrant into the custom scene. Having opened its doors in early 2012, the company brands itself as not just a motorcycle workshop but a custom design studio, crafting...

Apr 16, 2015

Deus Ex Machina » Gentleman Jim

James J. Corbett aka Gentleman Jim was about as tough as they came, purebred American boxer with a reputation for packing a hard punch in the ring. Like his nickname suggests, he also was a man of fine taste and manners. It seems like this...

Mar 16, 2015

Anthony Kiedis Road Glide

When Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers calls and says he wants a bike built, you got to wonder where it’s going. When he tells you he writes all his songs on his bike while he’s listening to the tracks on the sound system,...

Mar 09, 2015

Black Market » #RollYourOwn

Harley-Davidson attempts to challenge the brand stereotype with this short video showcasing the affordable new Street models. Flat-tracking, hill-climbing and ice racing are not something we traditionally associate with motorcycles from...

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