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Indian Motorcycles Archives | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Category: Indian Motorcycles

May 30, 2017

“World’s Fastest Indian” to be memorialized

It's been 50 years since Burt Munro took his Indian Scout Streamliner to the Bonneville Salt Flats and made history – a story immortalised in the feature film, The World's Fastest Indian, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins. This August, to...

Mar 18, 2017

Limited Edition Jack Daniel’s Chieftain on sale

Indian Motorcycle has announced the availability of 100 Limited Edition Jack Daniel's Chieftain bikes with 10 of these going on sale in the EMEA region. This latest limited edition marks the second year that Jack Daniel's and Indian...

Mar 04, 2017

Badass Chieftain Baggers

Ten Indian dealerships in North America were asked to build the most badass Chieftain bagger they could imagine. Indian has put these bikes up for a vote, with the top three bikes to be unveiled at an Indian VIP party in Daytona Beach...

Dec 03, 2016

Indian Motorcycle Christmas Gifts

Indian Motorcycle has added a large number of gifts to its 2017 collection and many of these will be ideal Christmas gifts. All of the following can be bought online or ordered direct from local dealerships. Money Box Fuel...

Sep 10, 2016

Race Debut for Indian Scout FTR750

Indian Motorcycle has confirmed that its Indian Scout FTR750 race bike will make its formal racing debut on Sunday 25th September at the Ramspur Winery Santa Rosa Mile AMA Pro Flat Track race in Santa Rosa, California. The Indian...

Aug 13, 2016

Indian FTR750 Flat Track Racer

The Indian Scout FTR750 represents Indian Motorcycle's bid for a strong return to AMA Pro flat track racing. The bike was revealed at the "Motorcycles as Art" industry event at the famed Buffalo Chip in Sturgis. On-hand were two surviving...

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