Category: People

Oct 28, 2014

Britten: Backyard Visionary

This period documentary tracking the first build and its race debut of the Britten V1000 Daytona in 1991 is guaranteed to leave you mourning the loss of John Britten and wondering just what might have happened to the bikes bearing his name...

Oct 22, 2014

UK to India in a Hayabusa!

Sushanth Shetty is aiming to set a new record by riding his Suzuki Hayabusa from the UK to India in the fastest overland journey between the two countries. Setting off from the UK on Saturday 25 October, Sushanth, who lives in London but...

Oct 12, 2014

First Ever Fujairah Bike Week!

Bikers Café Fujairah had the privilege of being the Diamond Sponsor of the first ever Fujairah Bike Week in the Northern Emirate, held from October 9-11, 2014. The crew and the chefs were busy preparing the live BBQ as more than 200...

Oct 12, 2014

Jay Leno’s Garage » Decopods

You have already seen Randy Grubb's stunning Decoson here. The aluminium fabricator – or an artist, depending on your perception – has crafted quite a few automotive jewels over the years, which led renowned talk show host Jay Leno to...

Oct 07, 2014

Andy Carlile at the ‘Ring!

Okay, so this video is more than two years old, but you have to see it if you haven't already. Nothing wrong in watching it again either! Brit biker Andy Carlile pits his modified Yamaha YZF-R1 against the infamous Nurburgring...

Sep 30, 2014

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride » Dubai

The incredibly cool Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is a celebration of the art of being dapper and the style of classic custom motorcycles. Founded in 2012, DGR was inspired by a photo of Mad Men’s Don Draper astride a classic bike and...

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