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USA Archives | Page 9 of 17 | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Category: USA

Jul 23, 2014

The Speed Merchant Custom Motorcycles

The quartet of custom motorcycles you see here, a pair each of Harley-Davidsons and Triumphs, are the work of California-based Speed Merchant. Brandon Holstein (of Brawny Built fame), Denver Dan, and Mark Kawakami are a bunch of...

Jul 06, 2014

Go Anywhere CRF by Lossa Engineering

California-based Lossa Engineering recently released this funky and extremely agile off-roader based on the 2007 Honda CR50F. Below the highlights of the lil' hill climber: - Swing arm stretched 12″ and braced, custom chain...

Jul 03, 2014

Navy F3 Rocketeer by Darwin Motorcycles

America, Land of the Brave, Home of the Free. Crafting custom cars and motorcycles has long been a tradition in the US of A, ingrained in the culture. Check out this sexy US Navy Tribute Custom Motorcycle aka Navy F3 Rocketeer by Brass...

Jun 24, 2014

Speed Dreams » The Fastest Place on Earth

Speed Dreams is a wonderful two-part BBC documentary from 2012 looking at the various land speed record attempts set at the iconic Bonneville Salt Flats. The fastest place on earth is witness to a few small teams of British Bonneville...

Jun 09, 2014

Motoi Yamamoto » Saltscapes

Not exactly bike stuff, but there are some interconnected themes like life, death and freedom. A Japanese artist travels from LA's Laband Art Gallery to the salt flats of western Utah to discuss life, death, rebirth, and making art...

Jun 03, 2014

Handmade Portraits » Liberty Vintage Motorcycles

In a crowded Philadelphia garage, Adam Cramer revives vintage motorcycles and the American tradition of grease-stained self-reliance. Read the Etsy blog post.

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