Category: Vintage

Jan 21, 2013

Heiwa Motorcycle » Lizard Tail

Trust the Japanese to take a classic British motorcycle, in this case a 1953 Triumph 6T Thunderbird, and turn it into something so rad. Dubbed "Lizard Tail", the custom boasts familiar Heiwa styling, a handcrafted exhaust system, a...

Jan 17, 2013

Young Spirits, Belgian Classic TT 2012

This sweet, near-15 minute video comes from Tim Buys. This is what he says - Gedinne, a char­ming lit­tle vil­lage at the bor­ders of a nice pad­dock. On the edge of that pas­to­ral pad­dock a beau­ti­ful road that climbs...

Jan 07, 2013

Blast from the Past » Easy Rider

Well, I've been thinking about it for a while now. We all love two-wheelers, be it plain-jane cycles, mopeds or hardcore custom choppers, and in whichever manner of propulsion they bring forth, including human power, batteries, regular...

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