Category: Vintage

Jan 29, 2014

Custom » 1976 MV 750 Side Car Racer

There are unique bikes. And there are 'unique' bikes. A unique bike will catch your eye in the street. The latter you won't come across at any show, they are generally relegated to the confines of the computer screen or magazine cover....

Jan 13, 2014

Osprey » An ODFU and OEM collaboration

It has been hard keeping this one quiet for so long, but now here it is, the 'Osprey', a collaborative build between ODFU and Old Empire Motorcycles. This will be based around an unloved Suzuki GN400. Stay tuned for more on the entire...

Dec 27, 2013

Wings » A film about the retro motorcycle

This film is about the thrill of retro customization of a Yamaha XS650 and a Kawasaki KZ750. Shot on RED Scarlet, with Schneider Cine Xenar II. Edited in PR PRO. Made by Merrild RED Motion Pictures.

Dec 02, 2013

Custom » Kruz Co’s XS400

Kruz Customs describe themselves as ‘new to the scene’ builders from Belgium who take their inspiration from first-gen dirt track racers from the Seventies. They picked up this 1980 Yamaha XS400 Custom at the French border in a very...

Nov 30, 2013

NSU Quickly by Kingston Custom

Awesome little NSU Quickly by Kingston Custom. For those not in the know, the Quickly was a moped manufactured by NSU Motorenwerke AG of Germany from 1953 to 1963. Sweet! You can check out another cool custom, a Honda CX500, by the same...

Nov 25, 2013

48 Panhead » Customs from Jamesville

If you're a motorcycle geek, you'll know that the Panhead was the replacement for the Knucklehead, and was produced from 1948 to 1965. This particular one was crafted by Denmark-based Englishman James for a German client named...

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