
Oct 25, 2014

Tokyo Dirt by Speedtractor

Tokyo-based workshop Speedtractor teams up with friends, Animal Boat CC and Iceblock Films to find that there is indeed dirt in Tokyo, you just have to look for it. The workshop was founded on premises similar to what most custom builders...


Oct 23, 2014

SevenFriday P1-3 “Orange”

SevenFriday was officially founded in May 2012 by Daniel Niederer, though he had already been working on product and brand development for more than a year and a half prior to the official launch. The first collection of watches, which...


Oct 23, 2014

Custom Harley-Davidson Sportster by Studio Motor

You might have already seen our earlier features on Studio Motor's Patriot and Scorcrambler. 'The Abandon' is one of their latest ventures, based on a Harley-Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight. Unlike most owners who slap on bits and bobs from...


Oct 22, 2014

UK to India in a Hayabusa!

Sushanth Shetty is aiming to set a new record by riding his Suzuki Hayabusa from the UK to India in the fastest overland journey between the two countries. Setting off from the UK on Saturday 25 October, Sushanth, who lives in London but...


Oct 22, 2014

Ricoh WG-M1 Waterproof Camera

Rugged, wireless, and packed with features, the Ricoh WG-M1 Waterproof Camera should make for an ideal partner to record your most extreme excursions. The latest addition to the WG series combines waterproof, shock-resistant and coldproof...


Oct 22, 2014

Nut Cracker by Paul Milbourn Customs

Getting your work recognized at local gatherings is one thing, and getting appreciated at the tough AMD World Championships is a different ball game altogether. After winning the annual Bulldog Bash, 42 year-old Brit builder Paul Milbourn...

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