
Aug 21, 2014

Manual Designs Automotive Posters

Car guy or not, you're sure to love these beautiful Manual Designs automotive posters, typically retailing for USD 50. Featuring minimalist line art representations of classic cars, some with a touch of colour added in, these 10" x 16"...


Aug 20, 2014

Motocross Madness for Xbox 360

The guys over at Xbox say this is the most exciting, rip-roaring, mud-flinging, action-packed motorcycle racing extravaganza this side of Tron! If you enjoy racing titles, dirt biking, or just having fun with your friends online, you...


Aug 20, 2014

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Reverse Trike, anyone?

Okay, so Harley-Davidson trike conversions are nothing new, but when was the last time you saw a reverse trike, and that too based on a V-Rod? Wisconsin-based Scorpion Trikes is doing just that, with their DIY kit that features two wheels...


Aug 19, 2014

Mercedes-AMG to buy MV Agusta. Really?

We're hearing rumours via Top Gear that Mercedes-AMG is readying a potential bid to buy iconic Italian motorcycle maker MV Augusta. If you remember, the car manufacturer lost Ducati to Audi in 2012, despite having a longstanding...


Aug 18, 2014

World of Warcraft Horde Chopper

World of Warcraft fans, rejoice! You'll be seeing this utterly badass horde chopper based on the winning design from the Azeroth Choppers web series. The winner was announced recently on the World of Warcraft blog, with the Horde team...


Aug 18, 2014

Is Goldfinger the world’s most expensive bike?

Is the Lauge Jensen Goldfinger the world's most expensive motorcycle? It certainly looks the part, and the USD 850,000 price tag seems to drive home the point further. No, there are no crazy performance mods or any radical engineering...

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