
Jul 13, 2014

NORTORIUS by Goldammer

Based on a featherbed style frame, the builder used a much modified, supercharged, single cylinder Harley Davidson engine like the one first seen on project Trouble. The single front cylinder displaces 965cc and uses the rear head. A...


Jul 12, 2014

SHARK release new helmet designs

Spruce up your summer with a brand new helmet from SHARK in one of the five new colours that have been added to the comprehensive 2014 collection. New designs are available on the popular Speed-R, S900-C, S600 and Evoline Series 3...


Jul 12, 2014

MOTO GUZZI: introducing the new V7 range

MG V7 Racer: Produced in a limited edition as confirmed by the plaque located on the upper steering yoke, the third edition of the V7 Racer now boasts a new total-black look on the side panels, mirrors, the silencer support bracket and...


Jul 11, 2014

Photo of the day

What happens when 1000 motorcycles go crazy on a sandy beach?


Jul 10, 2014

The new Triumph models are here!

These and more of the fresh Triumph motorcycles are now available in the U.A.E. through Duseja Motorcycles, their authorized dealer.


Jul 10, 2014

War Crimes by Super Rat

War Crimes. Here’s a bike that made it on the cover of the July issue of Hot Bike Magazine as well as another feature in The Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine. War Crimes goes down as one of Super Rats' most unique bikes ever...

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