
Jul 09, 2014

Motorcycle vs Car Drift Battle

More tire smoking action on two and four wheels.


Jul 09, 2014

Roof Desmo Motorcycle Helmet

Roof Motorcycle Helmets unveiled their Desmo motorcycle helmet, featuring a Fibreglass Composite shell, Double Density Shock absorbing liner and the Twin Desmo Cam. Two levels of air vents ensure adequate cooling while the dual visor seal...


Jul 08, 2014

Return of the Harley-Davidson Low Rider

In 1977 Harley-Davidson created a ride-it-hard, put-it-away dirty, make-your-own-boundaries custom motorcycle that became an icon – the Low Rider. Today, after a five-year hiatus, the legendary Low Rider motorcycle returns to the...


Jul 07, 2014

Mechanical Beauty of Gears in Motion

Pat Conkle was a retired machinist and he created this amazing display of gears, levers, cams and pistons in his shop while his wife, whose health was failing, sat nearby. They were able to spend this time together as he built some...


Jul 06, 2014

Go Anywhere CRF by Lossa Engineering

California-based Lossa Engineering recently released this funky and extremely agile off-roader based on the 2007 Honda CR50F. Below the highlights of the lil' hill climber: - Swing arm stretched 12″ and braced, custom chain...


Jul 05, 2014

Classic Superbikes » Paul Brace

A glimpse into a unique collection of classic superbikes in East Sussex. Proper Bikes is run by Paul Brace, a life-long motorcycle enthusiast with a background in professional engineering and restoration, including the design and...

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