
Jun 14, 2014

Ducati Elenore V8 » Tech

If you’ve come across the complex patent drawing of Dieter Hartmann-Wirthwein’s Ducati Elenore V8, chances are high that you’d be quite stupefied. Thanks to Paul Crowe at The Kneeslider, Dieter posted a few images and even some...


Jun 13, 2014

Custom bikes from Poland

Well, if you thought Poland was just famous for Nicholas Copernicus and Madame Curie, think again; these are just a few of the awesome custom bikes to come out from the Central European country.


Jun 13, 2014

Magnetic Bike Light » iFlash One

The iFlash One is a minimal magnetic bike light by Scandinavian design studio KiBiSi. The lights are attached to magnetic bases that are permanently fixed to your bike, which allows it to be easily removed to avoid theft. The lights can...


Jun 12, 2014

Automotive illustrations by Peter Hutton

Come on, who doesn't love cutaways and illustrations, especially those of vintage cars and bikes? Peter Hutton recalls always drawing despite wanting to be an engine driver. Fortunately for him, life dictated as much while at secondary...


Jun 12, 2014

KTM’s Jonny Walker wins Red Bull Hare Scramble

Red Bull KTM Extreme Enduro rider Jonny Walker of the UK was in incredible form on Sunday when he tackled and conquered Austria’s notorious 'Iron Giant' first in the Red Bull Hare Scramble, the crowning even at the 20th anniversary of...


Jun 11, 2014

Vintage Motorcycle Art » Cay Brøndum

Found these interesting drawings while floating around on the interwebs. Done by a Danish guy called Cay Brøndum, these old papers are from the Sixties, German instruction for some kind of Industrial machinery. What Cay has done is turned...

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