
Feb 13, 2013

Magpul Ronin 1125R » Legend of the 47

The Magpul Ronin 1125R is one of those motorcycles that pops out of the woodwork every now and then, and completely muddles up your preconcieved notions of how a motorcycle should look like. Reception of the original 1125R - a concept...


Feb 13, 2013

1963 Garelli 50cc Record Breaking Racer

In the early 1960s, with the reconstituted Garelli now under the control of Daniele Agrati, it was decided to return to the track in search of world records, which had been one of Garelli's major competition activities in pre-war days. In...


Feb 12, 2013

Frank Westfall » 1930 Henderson

Henderson produced four-cylinder motorcycles from 1912 until 1931 and, at that time, were the largest and fastest motorcycles, finding favour with sport riders and police departments. The latter favoured them for traffic patrol because...


Feb 12, 2013

Custom » DECO Liner & Scoot

The DECO LINER Zephyr Sedan Delivery and matching DECO SCOOT custom Harley Sportster took three years to build and is the realization of a dream owner Terry Cook of Long Valley, NJ has had since 1999. The unique front-wheel drive chassis...


Feb 10, 2013

Ducati 848 Evo » Termignoni Flamethrower

Cool video of an 848 Evo throwin' up some flames.


Feb 10, 2013

OCC Merchandise files for bankruptcy

TV star Paul Teutul Sr., founder of Orange County Choppers Holdings, sought Bankruptcy Court protection for his merchandising unit with plans to liquidate its assets. Its Hudson Valley Merchandising LLC listed $1.12 million in assets and...

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