
Jan 23, 2013

OSSA reveal new lightweight trial bikes

Spanish trials bike maker OSSA were revived from closure in 2010 by a group of businessmen, and have had a successful relaunch, and even finished fifth in the 2012 World Trials Championship, beating both Honda and Yamaha. For the current...


Jan 22, 2013

Accidents » Video » Reverse Slow-Mo

Accidents, whether on feet or on machines, are not a pleasant thing. There are a good number of nasty videos on the interwebs; but this one, by YouTube user rnickeymouse, is a different take on the theme. Reverse slow-mo people? Watch...


Jan 22, 2013

Gaming » MotoGP 13

Milestone, one of the most recognized racing videogame developers and publishers for consoles and Windows PC, is intently developing the next release of one of the best-loved videogame franchises ever: MotoGP13, which comes out in...


Jan 21, 2013

Heiwa Motorcycle » Lizard Tail

Trust the Japanese to take a classic British motorcycle, in this case a 1953 Triumph 6T Thunderbird, and turn it into something so rad. Dubbed "Lizard Tail", the custom boasts familiar Heiwa styling, a handcrafted exhaust system, a...


Jan 21, 2013

CRD » Harley-Davidson XL1200

If you're familiar with Cafe Racer Dreams, you know that they usually do customs based on Hondas and Triumphs. So what is a Harley-Davidson Sportster doing here, you ask? Well, the Milwaukee motorcycles, and especially the Sportster, are...


Jan 20, 2013

EOS New York Mixtape watch

Bet you haven't seen these! In true New York retro fashion, EOS takes the concept of the original mixtape to the next level with a fresh timepiece series. The mixtape watch features an hour and minute hand in the form of a cassette. On the...

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