
Dec 22, 2015

Custom Kawasaki Z1000 by Sebsports

Dubai-based ATV racer Sebastian Husseini's Sebsports just finished the custom rebuild on this 1982 Kawasaki Z1000. Previously built as an Eddie Lawson Replica, the owner wanted to keep the Eddie Lawson race colours and theme, but add a...


Dec 22, 2015

Deus Customs » W-`ühini

New from Venice, California comes the W-`ühini aka "The Grasshopper", an agile kawasaki W650 built at the Emporium Of Postmodern Activities by Michael Woolaway. The `ühini namesake comes from the Hawaiian word for grasshopper, an...


Dec 21, 2015

Jay Leno’s Garage » Darth Vader Car

With the Star Wars mania engulfing the whole planet right now, we think it's only right to you this contraption. Designer Bryan Benedict and builder Billy Hammon take Jay Leno through the Star Wars prop-laden, real-world car that moves -...


Dec 19, 2015

Fusar Mohawk

Fusar Mohawk is the flagship component of the American startup's three-part modular smart helmet system. It's an action camera, activity tracker, communication device, navigation unit, music player, black box and emergency alert system -...


Dec 18, 2015

Knievel’s ’76 Ironhead Could be Yours!

Evel Knievel, the most well known American daredevil of all time, is best known for his ramp to ramp motorcycle jumps; but he was also the subject of two films. High school dropout Robert Craig Knievel left Butte, Montana with not much...


Dec 13, 2015

Deus Ex Machina » 1966 Plymouth Barracuda

The owner and builder of this stunning first-gen Plymouth Barracuda, Matt Hart grew up with Mopar music ringing in his ears but graduated from his pushrod youth and went on to build some very tasty Porsche aircooled runners over the last...

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