Tag Archives: Art Deco


Nov 27, 2015

Half Caste Creations » Reptilia

You might not have heard of Half Caste Creations yet, but hey, there is a first time for everything. The initial idea was to create an Art Deco/Futurism-inspired motorcycle using a 1996 Yamaha SR 400 engine and frame. One of the driving...


Oct 12, 2014

Jay Leno’s Garage » Decopods

You have already seen Randy Grubb's stunning Decoson here. The aluminium fabricator – or an artist, depending on your perception – has crafted quite a few automotive jewels over the years, which led renowned talk show host Jay Leno to...


Mar 28, 2013

El Solitario MC » Baula

‘Baula’, based on a 1969 BMW R75/5 is one of those rare customs that deviates from the norm, forging a path where none existed before. While builders fine-tune existing trends and clichés, David Borras and the team at El Solitario MC...


Feb 12, 2013

Frank Westfall » 1930 Henderson

Henderson produced four-cylinder motorcycles from 1912 until 1931 and, at that time, were the largest and fastest motorcycles, finding favour with sport riders and police departments. The latter favoured them for traffic patrol because...