Tag Archives: Bonneville


May 30, 2017

“World’s Fastest Indian” to be memorialized

It's been 50 years since Burt Munro took his Indian Scout Streamliner to the Bonneville Salt Flats and made history – a story immortalised in the feature film, The World's Fastest Indian, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins. This August, to...


Aug 02, 2016

Triumph Returns to Bonneville

Triumph Motorcycles has confirmed that it will return to the legendary salt flats of Bonneville, USA, in August 2016 to break the motorcycle world land speed record. Triumph's aim is to exceed the current record that stands at 376.363 mph,...


May 18, 2014

The world’s fastest production bike?

Lightning Motorcycles has dominated the all-electric class at Pikes Peak, taken the prize for fastest electric superbike at Bonneville, and now it's ready to capitalize on those successes. The LS-218 stands to take the crown as the world's...


Jan 11, 2014

Experiments in Speed

Experiments in speed by Spindle Productions. Inspired by those great men of the salt flats, those men that in the 60s pushed the Land Speed Record from the 300s up towards the 600mph mark in jet-propelled cars built in their sheds....


Dec 20, 2013

Stories of Bike EP8 » Flipside

We all have our alter egos. During the day we blend into our jobs and daily roles. Often we yearn for an escape, even if it's temporary. For Wenley, builder of a beastly custom 2008 Triumph Bonneville in his spare time, when he rides...


Oct 21, 2013

Solitude at 180 » Bonneville 2013

We showed you the trailer before. And now the full 6 minute-plus video is here! James Hoegh and Team Confederate head out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in a Hellcat X132 Combat. Beautiful imagery, hostile terrain and breakneck speeds on...

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