Tag Archives: Bonneville


Oct 07, 2013

Solitude at 180 » Trailer

Available on Blu-ray and digital download at Solitudeat180.com. James Hoegh with Team Confederate venture to the American haven of motorcycle land speed racing, Bonneville Salt Flats. James astride the Confederate Hellcat X132 Combat...


Jul 13, 2013

Maria Riding Company » Juliette

It's been a while since we heard from the guys at Maria Riding Company, Lisbon, Portugal. Guess they have been hard at work on this new piece of art, a custom Triumph Bonneville named Juliette. According to the company, "This custom was...


May 28, 2013

Ellaspede » Triumph Bonneville

There are a few bikes that are pretty close to perfection even from the time they roll out from the factory, ones like the Triumph Bonneville. But that doesn't mean you cannot add a few tweaks here and there to let it really shine. See...

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