Tag Archives: Cafe Racers


Mar 15, 2013

Further I » London-Biarritz

London to Biarritz and back again – Summer MMXII – Edwin Denim Co & Kingdom of Kicks. Some awesome music by Junior Kimborough too. edwin-europe.com kingdomofkicks.co.uk


Mar 14, 2013

Ugly Motorbikes » ’77 Yamaha XS750

Built by San Diego-based Ugly Motorbikes - famous for their clean, light, classic café racers - this sweet custom Yammy gets its electronics and battery relocated and hidden under the custom metal seat/tail. The motor has been rebuilt...


Mar 14, 2013

Cafe Racer Dreams » The Stroke

This awesome Harley Sportster, build #21 by CRD, is nicknamed "The Stroke". Based on a 2008 XL 1200, and generously coated with CRD's unique design attributes, the custom looks compact and clean, yet powerful and even serves up a bit of a...


Feb 26, 2013

Honda CB750 on vintage Shinko tyres

This neat CB750 was up for sale on ebay a few months ago. It looks cool wearing vintage Shinko E240 rubber, don't you think?


Feb 18, 2013

Thiago Vidal » Yamaha XJ600

We came across this sweet custom on Inazuma Caferacer. And here's the story behind it! "My name is Thiago Vidal and in 2010 I came across this Yamaha XJ 600. It was sitting in the back garden of someone I found online who ended up...


Jan 21, 2013

CRD » Harley-Davidson XL1200

If you're familiar with Cafe Racer Dreams, you know that they usually do customs based on Hondas and Triumphs. So what is a Harley-Davidson Sportster doing here, you ask? Well, the Milwaukee motorcycles, and especially the Sportster, are...

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