Tag Archives: Cool


Feb 09, 2013

Michael Jackson Hayabusa » Autoweek

After covering the Long Beach Motorcycle Show in December, the Autoweek Brain Trust ran across these photos that they had all but forgotten about. But here it is again, for your viewing pleasure; a chromed-out Suzuki Hayabusa - arguably...


Feb 07, 2013

Japanese Postal Workers » New Year Celebration

While a lot of countries rely on massive fleets of trucks to deliver mail, it seems things are done a little differently in Japan. Apparently, postal workers in Hakata (it's one of the seven wards of Fukuoka City) take to the streets...


Jan 20, 2013

EOS New York Mixtape watch

Bet you haven't seen these! In true New York retro fashion, EOS takes the concept of the original mixtape to the next level with a fresh timepiece series. The mixtape watch features an hour and minute hand in the form of a cassette. On the...


Jan 02, 2013

Motorcycle vs Car Drift Battle

Cool video of a stretched '05 Kawasaki ZX10 piloted by Nick "Apex" Brocha vs a Corvette-powered Mazda RX7 driven by Jim Guthrie in a high-speed drifting battle. (more…)

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