Tag Archives: crash


Mar 08, 2013

Motorcycle crashes » Kinda stupid

Well, not life-threatening mishaps or the 'Top 11' crashes in the world, but look at 'em from the lighter side, and they're pretty funny, while some are downright stupid. As the uploader mentions, the third video takes the cake. What...


Feb 16, 2013

Cool RZR action and rollovers » Dubai1RZR

Epic jumps in RZR ATVs in the deserts of Dubai. Oh, and a few cool jumps and rollovers as well for good measure. Looks like awesome fun!


Jan 22, 2013

Accidents » Video » Reverse Slow-Mo

Accidents, whether on feet or on machines, are not a pleasant thing. There are a good number of nasty videos on the interwebs; but this one, by YouTube user rnickeymouse, is a different take on the theme. Reverse slow-mo people? Watch...