Tag Archives: custom honda


Sep 24, 2014

Custom Honda CX500 by Moto Mucci

The Honda CX500 has sort of proved itself as a cheap and reliable platform that can be easily crafted into a contemporary custom, as we've seen with the one from Kingston Customs. Dave Mucci, of the popular Moto Mucci motorcycle blog,...


Aug 23, 2014


Best known for the sunglasses, Italian eyewear brand SUPER by RETROSUPERFUTURE tapped legendary Japanese artist Keiichi Tanaami to customize a collaborative motorcycle. Harking back to the collection’s "VISIVA" series, the project is...


Jul 06, 2014

Go Anywhere CRF by Lossa Engineering

California-based Lossa Engineering recently released this funky and extremely agile off-roader based on the 2007 Honda CR50F. Below the highlights of the lil' hill climber: - Swing arm stretched 12″ and braced, custom chain...

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