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desert Archives | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Tag Archives: desert


Nov 11, 2016

The Monkey Run

If the thrill of track riding has started to fade, the whizz bang dashboard on your bike gives you a headache and you're concerned about becoming a Sunday couch potato rather than living life to the full, then The Monkey Run is for you. If...


Feb 10, 2014

Short » CRD #42 Desert

Here is a quick look at Cafe Racer Dreams' BMW R1100GS, CRD #42 Desert, filmed by Enrique Pacheco.


Feb 16, 2013

Cool RZR action and rollovers » Dubai1RZR

Epic jumps in RZR ATVs in the deserts of Dubai. Oh, and a few cool jumps and rollovers as well for good measure. Looks like awesome fun!