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Funny Archives | Page 3 of 3 | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Tag Archives: Funny


Mar 08, 2013

Motorcycle crashes » Kinda stupid

Well, not life-threatening mishaps or the 'Top 11' crashes in the world, but look at 'em from the lighter side, and they're pretty funny, while some are downright stupid. As the uploader mentions, the third video takes the cake. What...


Feb 14, 2013

Bikes vs (Cop) Car Drift Battle

We've seen quite a number of bike versus car battles, but this one stands out on a lot of different levels. Badass 'stang cop car chasin' down two guys on bikes. How cool is that?


Feb 09, 2013

WTF » Motorized Monocycle

The Motorized Monocycle is a vehicle design that’s been tossed around by nonconformist engineers since its inception in 1869, this is the first time that a company has been founded to produce and sell actual, functioning monocycles. Made...


Feb 07, 2013

Japanese Postal Workers » New Year Celebration

While a lot of countries rely on massive fleets of trucks to deliver mail, it seems things are done a little differently in Japan. Apparently, postal workers in Hakata (it's one of the seven wards of Fukuoka City) take to the streets...


Feb 06, 2013

Premature victory celebrations

One of the most important things, in any discipline of life, is to never lose focus till you reach your goal, or as in this case, you're sure you've passed the chequered flag. An awesome instance of getting too excited too soon,...


Jan 25, 2013

Seacoast Harley-Davidson Commercial

Commercial produced in conjunction with New England comedian Jimmy Dunn for NH-based Seacoast Harley-Davidson Dealer. Via Digital Video & Consulting, Inc.

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