Tag Archives: harley davidson cafe racer


Apr 16, 2015

Deus Ex Machina » Gentleman Jim

James J. Corbett aka Gentleman Jim was about as tough as they came, purebred American boxer with a reputation for packing a hard punch in the ring. Like his nickname suggests, he also was a man of fine taste and manners. It seems like this...


Dec 25, 2014

Custom H-D Cafe Racer » Redmax Speedshop

This beautiful custom Harley-Davidson cafe racer was built by Redmax Speedshop for "Racy Rach", who specifically wanted it to be based on a 1200. After picking up a 2005 model 1200 Sportster, the crew shaved about 30 kilos of...


Dec 07, 2014

Harley-Davidson Sportster Café Racer

Okay, so while Harley-Davidson does not specifically produce Sportster café racers, it's an increasingly common phenomenon among builders to do so. If you're a geek for motorcycle history, you'd know that the Sportster entered production...