Tag Archives: Icon


Apr 30, 2017

Icon: Definitive book of the Series Land Rover

On this day, 69 years ago, a legend was born as the first Land Rover was revealed to the world at the Amsterdam Motor Show. Over the next seven decades, the rugged 4x4 visited all corners of the world as it wrote its name into automotive...


Aug 08, 2014

Icon Variant Ghost Carbon Helmet

The Icon Variant Ghost Carbon helmet seems well suited to our Middle Eastern summer, especially with its sun visor, substantial vents and large facial opening. The headgear boasts a hand-laid carbon-fibre shell with translucent supervents,...


Feb 11, 2014

The Speedmaster » ICON 1000

The ICON 1000 Speedmaster is the second collaboration between ICON Motorsports and Triumph North America. Crafted in the ICON garage on the stout chassis of a 2013 Triumph Speedmaster, she was a vertical twin of known repute. While her...


Jan 15, 2014

ICON 1000 » Iron Lung

We showed you ICON 1000's Iron Lung before, and now here is the video!


Dec 23, 2013

Airframe Sauvetage Helmet » ICON 1000

Some of you might not be able to stand it, but then that is the whole point of ICON 1000's Sauvetage full-coverage leopard print helmet, wrapped over a raw finished shell. The Serengeti stance is complemented with a toothy fish grin and...


Dec 18, 2013

Iron Lung » 1991 H-D Sportster » Icon 1000

She was an accident waiting to happen. 600 pounds of American coke fired iron, riding on weather-checked English rubber. Cracking femurs or rupturing internal organs were her specialties, and she had done so on more than one occasion. Icon...

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