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Tag Archives: indian motorcycle


May 30, 2017

“World’s Fastest Indian” to be memorialized

It's been 50 years since Burt Munro took his Indian Scout Streamliner to the Bonneville Salt Flats and made history – a story immortalised in the feature film, The World's Fastest Indian, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins. This August, to...


Dec 03, 2016

Indian Motorcycle Christmas Gifts

Indian Motorcycle has added a large number of gifts to its 2017 collection and many of these will be ideal Christmas gifts. All of the following can be bought online or ordered direct from local dealerships. Money Box Fuel...


Jun 11, 2016

Indian Motorcycle turns 115

This year marks 115 years since George Hendee and Oscar Hedstrom started working together to make Indian motorcycles. In 1897, George Hendee was already manufacturing push bikes with the name 'American Indian', but this was shortened to...


May 02, 2016

Mesh Jackets from Indian Motorcycle

Indian Motorcycle is now offering a range of three different jackets perfectly suited for summer rides. The lightweight mesh fabric used in the jackets allows a cooling airflow to pass through to the rider. In colder weather, the rider can...