Tag Archives: Mercedes-Benz


Nov 21, 2016

Gulf Concours @ Burj Al Arab Terrace

The Gulf Concours introduces a new format of Concours d' elegance, designed specifically for Dubai, by not only showcasing the world's 111rarest classic cars, but also by judging the very best 'modern bespoke' cars in the region. The aim...


Dec 23, 2015

The Traveller and the W123 @ Bikers Café

We've been lucky to have had many travellers and adventurers at Bikers Café over the years, people who travel across the world in search of life's many questions. Now we have yet another interesting individual, Mr. Sidahmed Ould Ahmed,...


Jul 26, 2015

Rotwild GT S inspired by AMG

A mountain bike inspired by the new Mercedes-AMG GT has been developed for the toughest off-road conditions on the basis of professional feedback from the top athletes in the AMG ROTWILD MTB racing team. The Rotwild GT S inspired by AMG...


Jun 23, 2015

Unbeaten » Sir Stirling Moss + 300 SLR

Few triumphs have inspired drivers like Sir Stirling Moss’ victory at the 1955 Mille Miglia. Then just 25 years old, driver Moss and co-driver Denis Jenkinson roared through 992 miles of Italian countryside in just 10 hours, 7 minutes...


May 09, 2015

Vanapalooza » A History of the Van

Great project brought to Pluto by Tiny Toy Car. The design and story telling process started with Cub Studio and the animation and final design elements were created by Pluto. Enjoy.


Feb 16, 2015

Mercedes-Benz 280 » Bulletproof Beauty

Where is the beauty in an object if it isn't functional? About forty years ago, Mercedes-Benz set out to re-establish their reputation. Unfotunately, Benz had developed an infamy for underpowered engines and questionable ability. With the...

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