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NSU Archives | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Tag Archives: NSU


Nov 30, 2013

NSU Quickly by Kingston Custom

Awesome little NSU Quickly by Kingston Custom. For those not in the know, the Quickly was a moped manufactured by NSU Motorenwerke AG of Germany from 1953 to 1963. Sweet! You can check out another cool custom, a Honda CX500, by the same...


Feb 19, 2013

1965 Fruin 200cc Racing Engine » Bonhams

During the Fifties and Sixties, independent engineer of Hillingdon, Middlesex, Bert Fruin came up with a series of mechanically superior motors, including a 125cc DOHC twin-cylinder racer and a modular V4/V8 engine. The first Fruin-built...