Tag Archives: odfu


Jul 25, 2014

ODFU Win or Lose Tee

The made-in-England ODFU (an acronym for One Down Five Up) is a clothing brand from the mind and garage of designer and aspiring grease monkey Kevin Wilson. Combining a love of classic engineering and an unbridled spirit of adventure with...


Jan 13, 2014

Osprey » An ODFU and OEM collaboration

It has been hard keeping this one quiet for so long, but now here it is, the 'Osprey', a collaborative build between ODFU and Old Empire Motorcycles. This will be based around an unloved Suzuki GN400. Stay tuned for more on the entire...


Dec 06, 2013

ODFU At The Bike Shed Event II

ODFU had the pleasure of spending the weekend with the The Bike Shed crew at their The Event II in London. It was undoubtably a huge success, and with so much going on we tried are best to capture the essence of the whole weekend....