Tag Archives: People


Jun 09, 2014

Motoi Yamamoto » Saltscapes

Not exactly bike stuff, but there are some interconnected themes like life, death and freedom. A Japanese artist travels from LA's Laband Art Gallery to the salt flats of western Utah to discuss life, death, rebirth, and making art...


Jun 03, 2014

Handmade Portraits » Liberty Vintage Motorcycles

In a crowded Philadelphia garage, Adam Cramer revives vintage motorcycles and the American tradition of grease-stained self-reliance. Read the Etsy blog post.


Jun 02, 2014

Puma » Walt Siegl

Filmed by Adam Weiss.


May 28, 2014

Finding Main Street

A film about three young men traveling across America by motorcycle, exploring their country as well as themselves. It's pretty long at over 40 minutes. So grab a cuppa. See and hear the whole story at Finding Main Street. Made by...


Feb 18, 2014

Andy Bell and the TRON Light Cycle come to Bikers Café Dubai!

Yesterday’s BBQ Night was a very special one, thanks to the presence of former freestyle motocross rider and racer, and co-founder of Sweatpants Media, Andy Bell. He dropped by around 5.30pm with Mr. Saleh Mohamed Al Geziry, Director,...


Feb 07, 2014

Nowhere Near » Combo Entertainment

Produced and directed by Combo Entertainment, this short is filmed by Tim Luedin.

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