Tag Archives: roland sands


Feb 18, 2017

BMW Motorrad Machined Parts

Turning a motorbike into an unmistakably unique specimen is something that particularly fuels the motorcycling passion of many fans. This is precisely why BMW Motorrad has extended the design program of its Original BMW Motorrad...


Nov 13, 2016

RSD » BMW R NineT Classic

This BMW R NineT Classic started out as a rendering Roland did based on the 1937 R5 out of a new BMW R9T. He wanted to draw from the classic, beautiful lines of the early BMW machines, which had a very clean, chopped look that is quite...


Aug 29, 2016

RSD Ducati XDiavel

Ducati and the new XDiavel was unvieled at the 76th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, the largest motorcycle rally in the USA and the world's renowned cruiser event. Dating back to 1938, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally draws over half a...


Jun 13, 2016

RSD Scout » Part Deux

We've already featured the RSD Scout, a custom that incorporates the vision of the Roland Sands brand, a motorcycle that draws heavy inspiration from the past while increasing performance to modern levels. Raw and unfinished, the bike...


May 28, 2016

Roland Sands Capsule Collection

A new chapter in the Faster Sons story, an apparel collaboration with Roland Sands. From this collaboration, the Capsule Collection has emerged, compact and with a few key styles, but fully Faster Sons. As a professional racer,...


Mar 09, 2016

KH9 Ducati 1299 Panigale S

The Ducati 1299 Panigale S is an incredible machine in stock trim, which means you have to be really careful when tinkering with it. But well, Roland Sands is no ordinary custom builder. The crew built this KH9 Ducati 1299 Panigale S for a...

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