Tag Archives: roland sands


Apr 26, 2015

Return to Del Mar Flat Track 2015

IVLFT was started by Brian Bell in Imperial, California early last year with an interest in bringing flat track to a place barren with activity. After a successful weekend, they expanded to San Diego, which saw the likes of Roland Sands...


Apr 16, 2015

The Greasy Hands Preachers

The Greasy Hands Preachers documentary has finally arrived! A celebration of manual work through the passion of motorcycle enthusiasts who have found their way to a happy life. The film by Arthur de Kersauson and Clèment Beauvais is shot...


Mar 16, 2015

Anthony Kiedis Road Glide

When Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers calls and says he wants a bike built, you got to wonder where it’s going. When he tells you he writes all his songs on his bike while he’s listening to the tracks on the sound system,...


Jan 06, 2015

Custom KTM by Roland Sands Design

When "On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter" hit theatres in the USA on November 7, 2014, Red Bull North America wanted to do something special to promote this iconic movie. Dana Brown and Roland Sands decided it would be cool to build a custom...


Oct 12, 2014

Custom Tonka Todd Softail

Trophy truck racer, business owner and marketing mogul, Tonka Todd Romano spends quite a significant amount of time behind the wheel of his Baja truck, and seeing that how his truck is sponsored by American toy firm Tonka, it seemed an...


Oct 01, 2014

Custom Indian “Track Chief” by RSD

Purpose-built competition machines utilizing only the barest of necessities were how the most beautiful bikes were created by RSD. The board trackers, hill climbers and flat track racers of the 20's, 30s and. 40s are stunning. And there...

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