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safety Archives | Page 4 of 4 | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe

Tag Archives: safety


Mar 03, 2013

D3O Limb Protector

French manufacturer Furygan is introducing a new generation of D3O limb protectors into its products, which meet the new CE standard introduced this week. The T5 EVO Pro protectors pass level 2 of the new CE standard across ambient, wet...


Feb 04, 2013

Asterisk Cyto Cell Knee Brace

According to Asterisk, the knee-brace market has grown over the years with brands that have no background knowledge in knee mechanics or knee bracing, resulting in a class of knee brace that is less than satisfactory, which is why Asterisk...


Jan 04, 2013

6D ATR-1 Helmet

A helmet is just a helmet, right? Wrong. California-based 6D is debuting a rather innovative helmet, called the ATR-1, that incorporates a proprietary kinetic-energy management system. To be used by the GEICO Honda 250SX team in the...

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