Tag Archives: salt flats


May 30, 2017

“World’s Fastest Indian” to be memorialized

It's been 50 years since Burt Munro took his Indian Scout Streamliner to the Bonneville Salt Flats and made history – a story immortalised in the feature film, The World's Fastest Indian, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins. This August, to...


Jun 09, 2014

Motoi Yamamoto » Saltscapes

Not exactly bike stuff, but there are some interconnected themes like life, death and freedom. A Japanese artist travels from LA's Laband Art Gallery to the salt flats of western Utah to discuss life, death, rebirth, and making art...


Oct 21, 2013

Solitude at 180 » Bonneville 2013

We showed you the trailer before. And now the full 6 minute-plus video is here! James Hoegh and Team Confederate head out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in a Hellcat X132 Combat. Beautiful imagery, hostile terrain and breakneck speeds on...


Oct 07, 2013

Solitude at 180 » Trailer

Available on Blu-ray and digital download at Solitudeat180.com. James Hoegh with Team Confederate venture to the American haven of motorcycle land speed racing, Bonneville Salt Flats. James astride the Confederate Hellcat X132 Combat...