Tag Archives: Scooters


Aug 20, 2013

Photo of the Day » RING A DING DING

"The parking lot at The Emporium of Postmodern Activities is, for the most part, a civilized place; an evolved tarmac where mannerly citizens maneuver their EPA compliant vehicles in an orderly, adult fashion. It’s a peaceful strip of...


May 24, 2013

Skramble » KUSTOMKOSTUM #1

The BLARRR-Boys just wanna have fun.


May 23, 2013

Scooter Fail

And we thought only car drivers were crazy. This guy, somewhere in China, crashes his scooter multiple times before riding and falling into a hole. Apparently, he wasn't seriously injured, but he defo needs to get his head checked!


May 22, 2013

WTF of the Day » Lego Scooter and Rider

Awesome Lego scooter and female rider by Ralph S


May 13, 2013

KTM confirms electric scooter for 2015 release

KTM has confirmed that its cheeky electric E-SPEED concept scooter, which was shown at the Tokyo show, will be joining the range line-up as a 2015 model. Harald Plöckinger, KTM Executive Board Member for Production and Business...


May 01, 2013

WTF of the Day » Hummer Scooter

Just when you thought you had seen it all.

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