Over the years, we have been privileged to play host to numerous riders and intrepid travellers, who make it a point to come by Bikers Cafe when they're in Dubai. Italian cousins Luca and Andrea Bonventre are the latest to stop by in their Fiat 500. Travelling the world since the 3rd of July, the duo intend to support people's dreams by motivating them to go forward and achieve their dreams. They have also been halting at various hospitals along the way, collecting funds to source medical equipment and, more importantly, interact with children. In Dubai, they had a chance to meet with kids at the Saudi German Hospital where they were allowed to display the Fiat inside the hospital so that children could pose for photographs next to the car. Having travelled to many countries before arriving in the UAE, they let us on in the fact that, no matter where people are from or what their religion is, everyone has similar dreams. As such, the cousins want to promote the ideology that we're all together and should accept one another for who or what we are, forgetting our trivial differences. When queried about their favourite cities, Istanbul and Tehran topped the list, with the pair adding that every city has its own charm and unique character. Sponsored by companies like Forino and Pentax, the travellers also have a website (www.berevolution.it) detailing the project, goals and the adventure as it unfolds. You can also donate money to help them via the website. Having spent an afternoon at the cafe, Luca and Andrea loved the environment, and were glad to to know they'd be up on the Bikers Cafe Wall of Fame eventually with some of the other travellers and famous people. Understandably, they have a lot of spares and Luca usually does most of the repairing. The old Fiat is small and simple, and comes from a time when cars were not burdened with electronics and too much complexity. They absolutely trust the 500, emphasising that it's one of the strongest cars to take on this journey. Next stop is India, and they'll be shipping the car over in a few days time. Good luck guys!