The 2nd Bikers Café Build Off Competition saw Lycan Customs, Seb Sports & Café Racer Middle East (C.R.M.E), unveiling their uniquely built creations at the recently renovated cafe. A trio of Honda XR125 motorcycles were handed over to them and they had until October 26th to build their vision of a custom Honda, with the only prerequisites being that the original engine and chassis have to be retained, along with full functionality. With anticipation and excitement running high on the night, the café was packed way ahead of the starting time of the event. The numerous visitors waited with bated breath as the covers were taken off, and were duly treated to three absolutely stunning motorcycles, custom projects that reflected the immense creativity and hard work behind each build. All three builders presented highly customized concepts and were wowed by the crowds. In addition to the judges' choice, this year we also had the “People’s Choice Award” where the guests were given a chance to vote for their favourite custom bike. With such great builds it was evident that guests had a hard time choosing favourites, as all three bikes boasted a unique vision, incredible workmanship and fantastic detailing. But after the vote count Lycan Customs emerged victorious. We would like to thank Zeid from 86 Cycles, Marco from Motö and Bruce from Free Spirit motorcycles for taking the time and effort to analyze each build. The judges took about an hour to comprehensively inspect the bikes, followed by comparing views and deciding on the points. Everyone was waiting anxiously to know the scores. The judges finally settled the scores and Mr. Khalid Bin Hadher, the founder of Bikers Café, presented the trophies to the winners. Big shout out to Seb Sports for achieving 1st place, followed by Lycan Customs in 2nd Place and C.R.M.E in 3rd. For us, and all of the assembled guests, all three were winners, considering their creativity, skills, time and effort gone into building their creations. We would also like to thank everybody who came out and made the event possible, from the builders, to the numerous spectators who came down and had a gander at the array of custom machines. Can’t wait till next year!