Posted on Jan 11,2014 in Adventure

Ural Gaucho Rambler Limited Edition » Nothing to do but go

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With nothing more than their horse, a knife and a poncho, the cowboys of the Americas rambled through the country, living off the land, taking each day as it came, and always on a journey towards the sunset. The rebel spirit of the cowboy is very much in the character of each Ural. Taking on the road, with no specific goal in mind is something every rider longs for.

This year’s limited edition Ural is wistful. It’s painted Pacific Blue in colour, with the sunburned canvas upholstery and the Journey West blanket by Pendleton. The Gaucho Rambler is equipped with Ural’s legendary 2WD capability to overcome adverse terrain. This is a bike ready for the long road and the spiritual journey devoid of stuff. No need to pack, no need to prepare, there’s nothing to do but go.

“Ural and Pendleton are two companies which at different points in time ventured out to find home in the American West, both of which endured many challenges and yet all the while maintained their authenticity” – says Madina Merzhoeva, Ural’s VP of Sales & Marketing. “This year Pendleton’s anniversary celebrates 150 years of weaving textiles in America and Ural marks its 20th year in the US. Paying homage to our beginnings and the pioneering spirit is what connects the two brands and inspired this collaboration.”

The matte blue finish is highlighted by a silver build, and sunburnt canvas upholstery for the sidecar. Passenger comfort is enhanced with the addition of an accessory windscreen. A “Journey West” blanket by Pendleton with a limited commemorative label comes with each bike. On demand two-wheel drive, a spare tyre and a GSI Outdoors camp kit finalize the preparedness for the bike’s first journey. There will only be 50 of these bikes built.

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