
Posted on Aug 17,2014 in Asia

Bandit9 » Custom Honda SS50

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Bandit9 has been building some cool customs over the years, and we have even featured their Atlas not that long ago. This custom Honda SS, dubbed Eve, was built on the idea that nine similar-looking customs would be crafted according to customer specification and requirement, but with engine sizes ranging from 90cc to 125cc. All nine of them sold out quickly, thanks to a reasonable pre-order starting price, with deliveries to USA, Canada, Belgium, England, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi and Vietnam.

The custom Honda SS is of 1967 vintage, and receives a lot of chrome and bronze accents, making for a unique steampunk-inspired style. The controls, exhaust, and rear set are all one-off, complemented by a cattle skin leather seat, exposed suspension, aluminium indicators and a quartz glass brake light. Get in touch with Bandit9 here to check if they can build you one.

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