
Posted on Sep 13,2015 in Custom

RSD Scout

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The RSD Scout is a custom that incorporates the vision of the brand, a motorcycle that draws heavy inspiration from the past while increasing performance to modern levels. Raw and unfinished, the bike features exposed wiring and a mangled mass of cooling and radiators complete with Zip Ties. Thor, who also commissioned the RSD Track Chief, picked the bike up from RSD in California and rode the bike to Black Rock City. Madness we say, as this completely hand-built, reengineered machine had a mere 30-odd kilometres on it before it left.


The RSD Scout has been completely deconstructed, and gets a frame inspired by the original Scout in ChroMoly that is close to Project 156. What that means is it’s a very lightweight frame with much more aggressive geometry than the stock Scout frame, shorter and with less rake. RSD have also utilized the same “Panigale” rear suspension package that was used for Project 156. No more a cruiser, the custom Scout subtly recalls the racing heritage of the traditional Indian Scout.

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