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M&M Customs » Honda CB550 Cafe Racer | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jan 12,2013 in Photo of the Day

M&M Customs » Honda CB550 Cafe Racer

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Think of modding old Honda CBs and you’d probably end up with some sort of cafe racer for sure. Look at this sweet CB550 built by the guys at Kentucky-based M&M Customs, not just a work of art, but a great example of how to perfectly restore a classic Japanese bike. They sourced an old example by scouring the interwebs, and went to work; dismantling the entire bike, repairing it and repainting everything after. The rear subframe has been rebuilt in order to accommodate the custom Dime City seat, and there is a new Dunstall fuel tank as well.

Kudos to Mike McFadden from M&M Customs who did the awesome job of getting it to look more like a factory race bike than anything else.

The choice of colours is very appealing too, with the white and red scheme beautifully complementing the nature of the CB. Interesting to note that this bike won the award for “Best Custom Cafe” at the Barber Vintage Festival.

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  • Hello,

    I’m building my own cafe racer and guess what, I want it to Be in white with red racing stripe.
    Is there any way I can find out what the RAL codes are for the red and white? I love these colors!!

    Thank you kindlh for your feedback.