Posted on Jan 20,2013 in Uncategorized

Five Fast Facts » Schuberth SR1

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Sprechen sie Deutsch? Although Schuberth has been making motorcycle helmets for more than 60 years and is considered to be one of the premier helmet makers in Formula 1, the German company may not be on your radar. With its latest release, the racetrack-ready SR1, assisted in development by none other than seven-time F1 champ Michael Schumacher, Schuberth has clearly been doing its homework.

Safety first: The SR1 has a feature you won’t find on any other brand of helmet: Anti-Roll-Off System. Straps riveted to the back of the proprietary fiberglass-reinforced “duroplastic matrix” shell prevent the D-ring-style chinstrap from sliding over your chin. Schuberth’s decades of wind-tunnel experience have led to significant improvements in aerodynamics, demonstrated by the large frontal area that narrows like a teardrop toward the back of the helmet.

Attention to detail: Schuberth claims that at 60 mph, just 88 decibels reach the wearer’s ears. The Noise-Reduction System uses “windows” on the sides of the helmet (as well as removable ear pads) that can be closed to lower sound levels for street or track use. The luxurious, hand-washable, microfiber helmet liner and slick, faceshield-removal Push-Release System are comforts worth paying a premium for.

Feel the flow: You can adapt the profile of your SR1 to your ride by altering the height of the D-Force Spoiler. The higher of the two positions reduces lift and drag at racing speeds. Inside, individually adjustable upper intakes push 10 liters (.35 cubic feet) of air per second at 60 mph through the helmet. The double chin vent can be adjusted to direct airflow to the cheeks or mouth, while the upper port clears condensation from the faceshield.

Light weight: Despite its many innovations, the ECE- and DOT-approved SR1 takes a load off your shoulders. Claimed weight for the smallest of the three shell sizes is a scant 2.9 pounds.

The Schuberth SR1 is available in XS-XXL sizes. MSRP for Gloss Black, Matte Black or Gloss White is USD 899. Technology Matte Black or Technology White graphics cost USD 969.

Text & video credits: Eric Bostrom via Cycle World

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