
Posted on Jan 27,2013 in Custom

BREW Bikes » Time Bomb 45 Magnum

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Built by Steve Garn of BREW Bikes, the Time Bomb 45 Magnum is a tribute to Randy Smith, the first engine builder to mate a Bit Twin top end to a set of Flathead cases back in the Seventies. While the idea was to incorporate Randy’s core philosophies, Steve actually went further during the build process.

The 1985 H-D 45 cases were welded to make room for the 900cc cylinders, with the cylinder base boltholes plugged and welded, and the holes relocated for case studs. Sportster heads were custom-machined for dual plugs and the intake area was machined away and new intakes brazed in, then ported to allow for dual Amal Monobloc carbs. The frame was made in-house by Steve and his son Chad using 4130 steel tubing with a neck raked to 32-degrees and stretched 3-inches.

The front end gets a Betor Bultaco front fork, classic Ceriani triple trees and a 19″ Akront wheel mated to a custom flat track hub with Buchanan SS Spokes. The rear is a 1981 Honda CR450 hub and Excell 17″ rim. Fuel goes into a sweet 1977 Husqvarna alloy tank, while containing the oil is a Sucker Punch Sally’s H-Bomb. Completing the job is a 1950s BSA A10 pre-unit 4-speed with a stock kicker arm, and awesome glitter paint.

Via Moto Rivista

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