Posted on Feb 03,2013 in BMW

BMW to sell Husqvarna to KTM boss

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Apparently, BMW Motorrad has undergone a strategic realignment to focus on urban mobility and e-mobility. As part of this process, the company has decided to sell Husqvarna Motorcycles to Pierer Industrie AG which is owned by KTM CEO Stefan Pierer.

Both companies have agreed not to disclose the purchase price and the sale is subject to approval by anti-trust authorities. That being said, the deal is expected to go through but it remains unclear if Pierer will incorporate Husqvarna into KTM or keep it as a separate entity.

As for BMW Motorrad, they will focus on motorcycles and scooters that have environmentally-friendly combustion engines and pure electric drives. In addition to the production version of the C evolution electric scooter, BMW promises to “selectively expand” their core motorcycle segments.

via Worldcarfans

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