Posted on Feb 09,2013 in Design

WTF » Motorized Monocycle

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The Motorized Monocycle is a vehicle design that’s been tossed around by nonconformist engineers since its inception in 1869, this is the first time that a company has been founded to produce and sell actual, functioning monocycles. Made in the Netherlands, each one is capable of reaching a top speed of 25mph and is powered by a humble 31cc, 4-stroke 1 1/2-hp engine. It uses a centrifugal clutch on its inner wheel and has a rubber tyre around the outer wheel, steering is accomplished by leaning the wheel left or right and the brake is essentially a clamp on the inner steel wheel. Apparently, it retails for around USD 13,000 and you can pick one up via Hammacher Schlemmer.

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