
Posted on Mar 20,2013 in BMW

BMW café racers? You bet!

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There have been many books published about BMW motorcycles, but until now none has covered the evolution of the BMW sportsbike to the BMW café racer. A marque not commonly associated with the café racer scene, the growing trend of custom BMW café conversions is illustrated in detail with stunning images of sporting, racing, and ‘caféd’ BMWs. Featuring owner’s stories and technical descriptions, and showcasing fantastic BMW customs from all over the globe, from the old to the new, this book presents them in all their innovative glory.


A window into the world of the BMW café racer
The first book detailing this aspect of BMW motorcycles
Aimed at BMW aficionados and lovers of café racers alike
Contains bikes from ‘spend a little’ to ‘spend a lot’
Details the latest café racer custom trends
Covers BMW singles, twins, four, and six cylinder models
Features examples from the Ural custom scene
Explores the less common association of BMW and café racers
Fills a gap in BMW motorcycle literature
From an author involved in motorcycling for 35 years

Uli Cloesen has been involved in motorcycles since 1975. His motorcycling career started with a Maico MD50 road bike and spawned into owning several BMW’s, Yamaha’s, a Kawasaki and a Royal Enfield over the years. He is most at home with BMW flat twins, on which he toured around Europe and New Zealand. The art of turning BMW’s into custom bikes always intrigued him. Uli is a long term resident of New Zealand and continues to produce new automotive books.

V4529 • Hardback • 25x25cm • £25 • 128 pages • 205 colour pictures • ISBN: 978-1-845845-29-2 • UPC: 6-36847-04529-6

ISBN: 9781845845292
UPC: 6-36847-04529-6
Priced at £25 / $39.95

Visit Veloce Publishing

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