Kuwait Scooter Club @ Bikers Café
A big shout out to our newest guests from the Kuwait Scooter Club, who rode Vespas over an incredible 1360 kilometres all the way to Dubai, UAE! The original plan was to ride from Kuwait to Italy, which was cancelled as they had to cross Syria, and with all the issues brewing in the country, it didn’t seem like a good idea.
So it was back to the internet again for our friends, who did a thorough research on the next available options, googling the best biker hotspots in the UAE and finally zoning in on Bikers Café. In Dubai till the 25th of March 2013, the eclectic bunch have no support from sponsors, but like the main rider Mr. Nezar Makhseet – who runs a small business by the way – everyone has taken it upon themselves to see each other through the journey. The idea this time around was to spread the adventure over three days, even riding through the dark and lonely nights, bolstered by numerous cups of hot coffee.
Conceived by Nezar – a paramedic by profession – three years ago, it took them two months to get organized and ready. On a sweet note, the scooter was a gift from Nezar’s wife, who flew with him to Dubai, took him to the Vespa dealer and said “Here’s your gift!” She did not believe him when he mentioned a long ride was on the cards though.
The five scooter convoy had a van follow them through their journey, stocking fuel, parts, supplies and then some. The journey was, understandably, adventurous, though without any mechanical glitches or issues. The riders said Dubai takes the cake for having the best roads, while Saudi Arabia was apparently the toughest leg with dangerous roads and a mix of people either laughing at them or staring in utter shock and disbelief. Having started from Kuwait Tower, the guys hit Salah in the wee hours of morning, at around 4.30am, settling up camp in a hotel till 3.30 in the afternoon, before finally reaching the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai at 2:30am. See the tower to tower connection there?
What does the crystal ball say about the group’s future plans? Well, they hope to travel through the entire GCC, visiting important landmarks and monuments along the way. And this time, they would require professional photographers to ride along with them as well, for live shots and video footage. Amazing job guys! Have fun and ride safe. God speed!