
Posted on Apr 02,2013 in Classic

Ruleshaker’s Honda CB750 » Old Spirit

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This cool Honda comes from Basque Bad Boys, a shop based in the French city of Bayonne, and run by a dude called Iban. Admittedly he breathes quite a bit of Seventies retro motorsports and, being the purist that he is, the original chassis has been barely altered. The motor gets some large K&N filters and a set of peashooters to handle the four-into-two pipes.

Unnecessary weight has been shed by culling the wiring, while the original chunky instruments have been ditched in favour of a neat single-dial set-up, and aluminium has been used to replace the heavier, stock items where possible.

The classy fairing, which resembles part Dick Mann/Daytona ‘70 and part Mad Max, manages to convey a classic yet very contemporary look. The build is topped off with a sunken headlight and a thin blue line that wraps around it as a continuation of the tank and seat decal. Oh yes, even the licence plate light gets a blue-hue to it.

via Pipeburn

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